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Change in Particulars of Director Identification Number (DIN)

Change in Particulars of Director Identification Number (DIN)

An Individual who is Director of the Company or the designated partner of LLP is required to have a Director Identification Number (DIN) or Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN). The Director or Designated Partner who has been allotted DIN/DPIN are required to intimate with respect to any change in particular, change in address or any other details as mentioned in the Director Identification Number (DIN)/ Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN), because it is not possible that the information stated while obtaining the DIN/DPIN remain the same for a lifetime. If there are changes it needs to apply for changes in DIN. Therefore in this article, we will discuss the changes in the particulars of DIN by filling the form DIR-6.

Is it possible to change the details in an existing Director Identification Number (DIN)?

Yes, after obtaining the DIN/DPIN the information which has been mentioned while obtaining the DIN/DPIN may change from time to time with respect to an Email ID, change in address, Change in name, etc.  Therefore the individual is required to intimate the Central Government for any change in particulars of DIN/DPIN details by filling a form with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Which form is required to be filed for a change in details of existing Director Identification Number (DIN)?

The Form DIR-6 is required to be filed with Registrar of Companies for change in particulars of DIN.

What is the Procedure for the Change in Director Identification Number (DIN)?

Following are the steps mentioned below:

  1. Download form DIR-6 from the MCA portal.
  2. Fill the details accordingly.
  3. Attach the self-attested document as proof for change in particulars:
    1. Proof of Identity: In the case of Indian Nationals PAN card is mandatory and in the case of foreign nationals, Passport is mandatory.
    1. Proof of residence: Bank Statement, Electricity bill, telephone bill. (not older than 2 months)

In the case of foreign nationals, address proof should not be older than 1 year from the date of filing of e-form.

  • Attach Form DIR-7.
  • Affix the DSC of the applicant and DSC of the professional who is certifying the Form.
  • Upload the Form and there are no government fees for the said form DIR-6.
  • After uploading, MCA will approve within 1 to 2 working days.

Types of Changes where DIR-6 is required to be Filed

  • Name of director/ designated partners
  • Date of birth
  • Voter’s Identity card number/Passport number/Driving license number/Aadhaar Number.
  • Email ID/Mobile no.
  • Permanent residential address/Present residential address
  • Father’s Name
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • PAN No.

For Example: If there is any spelling error like name in the PAN card is Hiranandani while in DIN it is showing Hiranadani, therefore the Director may proceed for such correction in DIN by filling the Form DIR-6.

What are the basis on which application can be rejected?

The following are the grounds on which the application is rejected:

  • Proof of Identity has not been attested by an authorized person.
  • Proof of Residential address has not been arrested by authorized person.
  • The address is not matching with the address details mentioned in the proof attached.
  • Proof of Identity or proof of Residential not attached.
  • The supporting documents attached not valid or has expired.
  • The gender not entered correctly in DIN forms.
  • The submitted application is duplicate DIN application i.e. an approved DIN already exists in this name.
  • Any other reason may be given for rejecting the application depending upon the case to case.

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