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Business Plan

Brief: A business plan is essential for the success of any company. It is said that many businesses fail within five years because of a lack of planning.

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Business Plan

If you are putting up a new business or structuring the expansion of business, we will help you in staying positive by assisting you in preparing your business goal. Do not let lack of planning affect your business. Insufficient market research, financial planning, lack of social media presence, management all these mistakes add to lack of planning that can be traced back to the roots of the company, the business plan.

What is a Business Plan?

A business plan is a document that keeps a  summary of all the financial and operational objectives of future business, all the related information, and detailed plans as well as the budget, and also showing how the objects will be realised. If a person is planning about starting a business, it is always recommended to sketch the basics of business, its product and services, the business market, and also to set goals for the company. All this information can be drafted in a single document called a business plan.

Why is Business Plan Important?

A business plan usually is a step by step process to convert a business idea into a successful business venture. It must include the following details:

  • To identify new and innovative ideas.
  • To make a complete research of the external environment for opportunities as well as all the threats involved.
  • Identifying all the weaknesses as well as strengths.
  • Assessing how successful the concept will be when applied practically.
  • Allocation of the resources in a proper manner.
  • Providing a proper vision to the entrepreneur.
  • Evaluating the prospects of the new venture.
  • It will also help in monitoring progress.
  • It can convince others to join the business.
  • It will also help in getting loans from financial institutions.
  • It also facilitates the decision making progress.

Who needs a business plan?

Any person who plans to set up a business needs a business plan. You do not need to prepare a business plan for the purpose of a regular job, or for starting a hobby. Anybody who is launching a new venture or planning to expand its business, which will consume resources of money, time, energy, and in return also expects profits, must draft a business plan for the smooth functioning of a company. A business plan is needed by:

  • Startups and
  • Established Firms

Startup Business Plan

A business plan helps an entrepreneur to think about various aspects of a startup.

A startup focuses on big ideas, rather than on execution. A business plan in startups maps out business and also guides growth.

A well-planned business plan helps in convincing Investors.

For a business person who is seeking funds for a new business venture must have a business plan in order to convince the investors. It is useful for businesses at every stage, whether they are seeking financing or figuring out how to invest the surplus.

The business plan sets objectives for managers.

A startup can grow successfully with the help of proper management by the setting of objectives and also tracking. If the managers work as per the pre-set business plan, it will help them to achieve targets in a more organized manner.

Cash Flow Management

In a business to function efficiently, cash flow management is one fundamental activity. A complete planned assessment will help in monitoring the current funding, future requisites as well as cash inflow and outflow.

Profitable and Strategic Exit

To value a firm is robust, with the business plan in hand, all likelihood of investments can be highlighted. Hence, at any point in time, if the entrepreneur decides to close the business, a better valuation can lead to a successful exit.

For Established Firms

For the Growth of an Existing Business

A business plan helps in establishing a strategy as well as allocating resources as per the strategic priority.

Valuation of Business

Valuation of business means knowing the net worth of your business. This plan will help the valuation expert know about your business, what it is doing, why, when, and how much it will value, and also how much a company will produce.

For Developing Alliance

A business can use a business plan that can open doors or opportunities for new alliances.

For Selling Business

A business plan plays an essential role in the sales part of the business. By way of a business plan, the buyers can be made to understand its worth and why they need to buy it.

Startup Business Plan

Startups need to detail the steps while starting the new enterprise in a startup business plan. The business plan includes sections that describe the company, product, or service startup to offer the management team and market evaluation.

Internal Business plan

A specific audience is targeted via a domestic business plan. An internal business plan describes the current position of the company that includes operational costs, calculations, and profitability. Such plans also give information regarding marketing, hiring, and other technology costs. Typically, an internal business plan includes market analysis explaining targeted demographics, market size, and markets positive effect on the revenue of the company.

Strategic Business plan

A business can draft a high-level view of the company’s goal and the policy regarding how to achieve the target under a strategic business plan. A strategic plan is a foundational plan for any business. There are different strategies for different companies. In many cases, the businesses include the following five elements in their strategic business plan:

  • Mission statement/Business Vision
  • Success Factors
  • Objective achieving strategies
  • Implementation schedule

The strategic business plan sets the big goals of the business by inspiring the employees to work together for the success of the business.

Feasibility Business Plan

This type of plan answers two inquiries about a newly suggested business venture that is who is going to purchase the services of the company or will a company be able to earn a profit.

Feasibility Business plan covers sections explaining what the need of the product or the service offered by the company, targeted demographics is, and capital required. These type of plans always ends up with the recommendations to be carried forward.

Operational Business Plan

The elements relating to the company’s operations are explained here. Employee responsibility is summarised in an operational business plan.

Growth Business Plan

These plans are also known as an in-depth description of the proposed growth that is drafted for external and internal purposes. A complete description of the company is included in the growth description plan. If any investment required in the company for its growth, a brief description of about company’s management and officers. The plan should provide detailed information to satisfy the potential investor. In the case, the company is not asked by any investor than the plan will include the details regarding the financial sale and expense projections.

The business plan guide owners of the company, its investors, and management through various successive stages of the company.

What is the business plan process?
The business plan procedure is as follows:
Generation of an idea

  • Environmental scanning
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Project Report Preparation
  • Evaluation control and review

Generation of idea

The first step in any business planning process is the generation of an idea. It differentiates entrepreneurs from the general business. There are certain sources for new ideas that entrepreneurs can get are

  • Existing Companies
  • Customers
  • Research and development (R&D)
  • The employees
  • Retailers and dealers

Environmental scanning

In the next step, it is crucial to scan the factors that will affect the business ideas. The elements can be both external and internal surrounding the business.

  • External environment includes:
  • Socio-cultural appraisal
  • Technological appraisal
  • Economic appraisal
  • Demographic appraisal
  • Government appraisal
  • Internal environment includes-
  • Raw materials
  • Production
  • Finance
  • Market
  • Human resource

Feasibility analysis

It refers to conduct a detailed report on every aspect that is relevant to the business. The analysis includes-

  • Market analysis is undertaken to calculate the demand and market share of products and services in the future.
  • Technical and operational analysis is conducted to assess the functional ability of the proposed business enterprise

Project report preparation

It is a document which describes step by step strategies involved in running the business.

Evaluation, Control, and Review

The company functions in a dynamic environment, so it has to monitor and review all the strategies as well as the policies to compete in an existing market.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the three main purposes of a business plan?

A business plan is essential for every entrepreneur/ individual for growth opportunities. The main purposes of a business plan are:

• Securing outside Finance- Through a business plan, an individual can get various sources of finance

• Road map to Success- Without a proper business plan in place there will be no guidance for fulfilling the priorities of the business

• Outline the growth of the organization- It will provide a trajectory of growth options for the business.

What are the five elements of a business plan?

The five elements of a business plan are as follows:

• Executive summary- provides an overall picture of the business outlook

• Description of the Company- provides the products and services offered by the company. This will also provide the mission and vision goals of the company

• Marketing and Sales- provide the possible marketing strategies that are going to be used by the business.

• Market Share of Products and Competition- This would cover areas such as proportion and size the market and the number of potential competitors

• Organizational Structure- This includes the management of the organization

How many pages should a business plan be?
Normally, a good business plan will be in detail. It will have maximum information for the benefit of the stakeholders and financers. A business plan would be about 20 to 40 pages.
What is a good business plan?

A business plan can be considered as the key to the success of a business. A good business plan would have all the essential elements for the business to succeed.

It would have the following:

• Details of the business

• Management Structure

• Products and Services Offered

• Sales and Marketing

• Risk Analysis

• Industry Sector

How do I write a start-up business plan?
The start-up business plan would be something similar to a normal business plan. The key elements of a start-up business plan would be the same as a regular business plan. However, there are more challenges that you would be facing regarding financing options and modes of investment. In these areas, you would have to provide more detail on the investment for your start-up.
What is a successful business?
Successful business is one business that strives to perform and improvise opportunities. A business that is innovative and has risk planning strategies will be successful, as it would have the ability to face market and other challenges in the society.
What are the four main types of business plans?

The four types of business plans are:

• Short Plan - A short business plan would outline the basic requirements of the business. It would take a reader a matter of minutes to understand what the goals of the organization are.

• Presentation Plan - A plan which involves PowerPoint or other office software presentation is considered a presentation plan. In this form of planning, the creator of the business can use tools and charts in the PowerPoint to depict the business.

• Working Plan - This explains the main operations regarding the business structure of an organization. This will explain in detail the day to day activities of the business

• What if Plan - What if plan is a contingency plan to explain the worst-case scenarios related to the business.

What is a start-up business plan?

A start-up business plan is the same as a normal business plan. However, a start-up business plan would have to concentrate on the following:

• Start-up investment

• Source of funds

• Types of products

• Innovatio

What makes a great business?

The following does a great business:

• Good Products and Services

• Faithful Employees

• Proper Management

• Contant Innovation

What is the purpose of writing a business plan?

The primary purposes of a business plan are listed below:

• Maintaining the focus of business.

• To secure external financing.

• Mapping growth and fueling ambitions.

• Enlightening of executive talent.

When a business plan is considered to be good?
Good business plans are usually highly detailed. It includes information on all aspects of the business, including the industry, finance, marketing, personnel, and various operating procedures. These are specific for all the employees of a company and require commitment from everyone.
How to write a startup business plan?

Below is the list to know how to write a startup business plan:

• First, ensure the company's objective.

• Identify the target market.

• Analyzing the competition in the market

• Decide the budget accordingly.

• Identify the financial projections as well as the goals.

• Define the power structure.

• Discuss the marketing plan.

• Prepare it short and professional.

What are all the different categories of business plans?

• Start-Up Business Plans.

• Internal Business Plans

• Startegic Business Plans

• Feasibility Business Plans

• Operations Business Plans

• Growth Business Plans

Can I start a business with no business plan?
A business plan is a document which can be used by any small business owner. A successful business can be built even without a business plan. Still, it is most certainly more comfortable to do with a well-constructed business plan in your hands.
What is the need for a business plan?
The main purpose of a business plan is to prepare a strategy for the business. Your plan must include explicit objectives for market analysis, hiring of new employees, potential investors, etc. The objectives should specify how it will help your business grow.
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