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Business Plan Consulting

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What is Business Plan Consulting?

If you are starting a new business or planning to venture into a new area of operation it is required that you do proper research. It is always recommended a proper business plan.

Any start-up’s investment package will depend on the Business plan presented to the investors. A compelling business plan lays the foundation for ensured investments from prospective lenders.

However, development of a perfect business plan is an extensive process and requires a lot of research and time. Time which entrepreneurs don’t have, as they are busy with product development, market analysis and identification of prospective partners.

Our team understands this and provide the much required professional help in business plan development. So that you can focus on what you do best.

What is a Business plan?

Business plan is a formal document clearly spelling out the main goals and objectives of the business along with organizational structure, management and key policies for achieving such goals.

Basically, it is a roadmap for managing and growing your business.One might question the importance of the business plan, but it helps the business in its formative period in various ways including:

  • Attracting the prospective investors and securing funds
  • To test the feasibility of the business idea
  • To prepare a planned, manageable and effective business flow, etc.

Why is Business Plan Required?

Many question the requirement of a business plan. But, it is the best way to convey your vision to prospective investors and persuade them to invest in your goals. Preparing a proper business plan requires thorough market research, preparing detailed marketing strategies and identification of target audience, staff, obstacles, and goals.

While developing a business plan following points are to be kept in mind:

  • Business plan aligns the management team with a vision to carry out a particular business activity.
  • Check the feasibility of the business plan.
  • Make sure the plan is precise and reflects the strategy to achieve it. As it is a sales document, which is made with a view to attracting professional investors.

Why Choose Us?

    • Experienced Consultants at Service

Our quality services are a result of the team of senior consultants. They have vast experience in different industries. They bring in insight knowledge and understanding of the market and prepare feasible plans with realistic and achievable goals.

    • Customized Business Plans

We develop customized products only after understanding your business requirement. Only after gaining an insight of our client’s vision, we work on it and prepare unique products.

    • Strategic Consultancy

Our services are not restricted to just documentation of your ideas. We understand your requirement, research on it, strategize and provide the most feasible business recommendations

    • Extensive Market Research

It is only after extensive market research that we comment on the practical implementation of your plans and its growth prospects in the coming years.

    • Cost Effective

Our services are cost-effective. We provide the quality services at very competitive rates. Our business plans are highly recognized in the industry and thus the cost is justified.

    • Get Investors to Notice/ Results Driven

Our services are widely recognized in the market. Our plans give you a fair chance of recognition among investors. We cover the documentation part so that you can focus on the business development part.

    • Growth Strategy Implementation

Our support extends a lot farther than business plan development. We help you in actual implementation right from business registration, compliances and brand building.

    • Best Quality

We provide quality products and services through refining your ideas and business strategies and convert it all into a viable business.

Key-Elements of a Sound Business Plan

To make an effective Business Plan It is important that all the important fact and plans are covered in it. If the plan is lacking on any part, it will fail to gain the attention of the potential professional investors. Following are the key elements to be kept in mind while developing a business plan:

  • Brief summary of your business: It is important that at the beginning of the Business plan, a brief summary of the business is provided. This brief summary shall include:
  1. Business activity
  2. Description of goods or services provided
  3. Prospective Market share
  4. Investment Requirement
  5. Operational Strategy
  6. Marketing Strategy

After this brief description, a brief summary is to be provided to sum it all up.

  • Market Analysis: Before venturing into any business, the most important part is to analyze the target market, its future growth prospects. This will give an insight into the viable opportunities and prospective threats. The business plan is developed keeping all of this in mind and coming up with strategies to tackle any challenges.
  • Key Competitors: It is smart to identify your competitors in the market. Before you enter into new business, it is advisable to recognize your competition (current as well as prospective future ones). An analysis of their market share is to do, so as to determine the feasibility of your products after launch.
  • Management: The business plan must mention the business team which will work on the implementation part of such plan. This team will include the:
  1. Founders
  2. Directors
  3. Senior management
  4. Key officers

This part shall include a detail description of their work experience, qualification, accomplishments. And how will they contribute to the implementation of the business plan?

  • Business Model: After covering all the initial and basic parts. It is important to prepare a business model indicating the work structure and detailed descriptions of:
  • Revenue Sources- This shall include everything from sales, advertising, rental income etc.
  • Cost Structure- This shall include Inventory requirement, salary cost, maintenance, rent etc.)
  • List of key suppliers and distributors
  • Funding Requirement: The business plan shall clearly mention the total fund’s requirement. As this plan is for attracting the prospective investors, it is required that all the costing is analyzed and such funds requirement is justified in the plan itself.
  • Financial Projections: It is required that the business plan contains a projective profit-and-loss, balance sheet and cash-flow statements of the business. This will be a projection of what is expected out of such investment. This part shall include the mention of the break-even point, i.e. the amount of revenue required to recover the initial investment.
  • Cash Flow: It is very important that every start-up works on maintaining a perfect cash flow. The cash flow requirement will depend upon the nature of activities undertaken. One must understand the difference between the profitability and cash flow maintenance
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