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Patent Search

Patent Search is a type of legal right to its owner excluding other people to use, copying its intellectual property. A Patentee can claim to Patent Office, if someone steals his invention.

Package Inclusions –

About Patent Search

Patent Search is an exclusive right of making, using, modifying, selling, offering for sale or importing newly invented articles or processes by its owner or inventor after going through with prescribed criteria of patentability search. Patent Search grants ownership of 20 years.

Package Inclusions

  • Patent database search
  • In depths Analysis of Existing inventions through comparisons with similar works 
  • Filing of Application before controller of Patent
  • Government fees (for Individual applicant)
  • Patent registration fees

Advantages of Patent Search

Monopoly advantage

Monopoly and competitive advantage.


Receiving of Royalty

Sell Patent

Sell or licensed the patent right anytime.

Worldwide recognition

Worldwide recognition of patent.

Raising capital

Raising capital and creation of business.

Patent Search Process

Patentability Search on the basis of

a) Novelty/Uniqueness
b) Non-obviousness
c) Industrially Applicable
D) Feasible to general public

Drafting of Patent Application /Specification containing

a) Provisional Specification
b) Complete Specification

Publication and Examination of Specification

Publication and Examination of Specification


Objection Proceedings to Patent Grant including Anticipation of previous application

Grant of Patent

Grant of Patent

Frequently Asked Question about Patent search

Q1. When to consider patent filing?

Patent Application Filing should be on priority and should be done at early stages of research and invention by filing Provisional Specification followed by Complete Specification.

Q2. What should be the contents of Complete Specification?

It is mandatory to file complete specification for grant of patent, and includes

1. Title of invention
2. Area/Field of invention
3. Summary
4. Description of Invention
5. Brief descriptions of diagrams, drawings, sketches (if involved)
6. Sample Examples
7. Abstract

Q3. A patent application on my own name or on company name?

An employee of the company generating intellectual property during his/her tenure, should be on the company name on agreement basis and if there is no agreement then on his own name.

Q4. How to get Worldwide Patent?

An exclusive right to a patent is only available in a country in which patent is protected or registered, but there is a way by which you can defend your patent in many countries. This way is known as PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT)

An exclusive right to a patent is only available in a country in which patent is protected or registered, but there is a way by which you can defend your patent in many countries. This way is known as PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT)

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